Thursday 22 July 2010

Piano World Piano Forums Newsletter July 2010

In-Tune, Piano World Piano Forums Newsletter July 2010
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In-Tune, the Piano World Piano Forums Newsletter

July 2010

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Check the In-Tune Newsletter Archives to see what you've been missing and catch up on what's been happening!

Please forward this newsletter to anyone you know who might be interested in piano related articles, stories, news, etc.
They can subscribe too, it's free.

Come JOIN US on our European Piano Tour!

Tour European Piano Manufacturers Shops with us in 2011.
Get your name on the list now. First payment isn't due until Dec. 1st, but we would like to get a head count as soon as possible.

This is your chance to see how those beautiful pianos you love to play are built. Plus it's a chance to meet other Forums Members, tour music museums, visit composers homes, and much more. And of course, it's a chance to see Europe!

Although visiting top notch piano manufacturers in Europe is our central goal, we've expanded the tour to include much more than piano shops. For Example:
  • Hamburg Steinway Tour (Hamburg, Germany)
  • Steingr�ber u. Söhne Tour (Bayreuth, Germany)
  • Blüthner Tour (Leipzig, Germany)
  • Bösendorfer Tour (Vienna, Austria)
  • Meet & Greet and Concert with Robin Meloy Goldsby (the Piano Girl)(Cologne, Germany)
  • Visit the Beethoven Museum in Bonn
  • PM City tour of Leipzig with Thomas Church
  • Mendelsohn Museum
  • Music Instruments Museum
  • Dinner at famous Auerbach-Keller
  • Germanisches National Museum, historic music instruments (Nuremberg, Germany)
  • Visit Wagner & Liszt Museum (Rothenburg, Germany)
  • Visit Deutsches Museum (one of worlds largest musical instrument collections)
  • Visit National Museum (possibly with behind scenes visit)
  • Visit Mozart Haus, the birthplace of Mozart
  • Castle Schonbrunn Visit
  • Musical Vienna Tour
  • We've also scheduled free time to explore on your own
The complete itinerary along with pricing and lots of details can be found on the Piano Forums here ...

Piano & Musical Tour - Europe 2011 Click Here Now!

Buying a Piano?

Need some help buying a piano?
Want to know what to look for, how's it's made, what the differences are?
Thinking of an acoustic, or a digital piano?

Visit our new Buying A Piano section on Piano World, courtesy of our friends from The Acoustic & Digital Piano Buyer
Are You a Piano Tuner-Tech?

The PTG is looking for ideas for for classes for their 2011 convention.
Take a look at this thread and pass along your suggestions...
PTG 2011 Convention - Class Ideas
A New Documentary About the Piano and Mathematics Begins Shooting

Appassionato: A Mathematical History of the Piano begins principal photography in Los Angeles, California, on July 17, 2010. Extensive in scope, the production will document experts from UCLA, USC, Yale University, Princeton University, and MIT.

Appassionato: A Mathematical History of the Piano is the story of the multiple failed approaches toward a unified piano tuning throughout the ages, and also the men (Galileo, Newton, Pythagoras, Bach) who tried to create a �perfect� musical harmony.

While some believe that music is the perfect art form and mathematics the perfect science; neither are. They harbor mysteries deeper than the caves of the human mind. Music and mathematics and the link between them raises important questions in our cultural evolution: What is harmony? Who gets to say what is pleasing to the ears and what is utter garbage? Why does music move us? How come mathematics is recognized as the perfect science; yet, many mathematicians realize there are anomalies layered throughout its structure?

Read the rest of the article, and post your thoughts. Michael LaPointe is making this documentary. He contacted me and mentioned he'd be happy to do a Q&A. Let's give him something to talk about :-)
Piano & Math Documentary Piano Tuners - This is Your Chance to Get Involved!
O.T. But Important:

Recently read about this on CNN.
You would be surprised how many people don't know where the food pantries are in their area, or how many there are.
Ample Harvest maintains a database of food pantries across the country, adding new ones all the time.
They then put people who raise their own gardens directly in touch with these pantries/shelters.

There are literally millions of people with small to medium gardens why often have extra. Instead of wasting it, they donate it to the pantries. Great idea.

If you have a garden (or know someone who does), please visit the Ample Harvest web site to find out how you can help.
Know of a pantry/shelter not on their listings? Add it.
Trade Regrets

RIP Joe Vito - Sideman played with jazz and classical giants

After Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier, author Tom Wolfe said all pilots began mimicking his unflappable West Virginia drawl.

Revered Chicago sideman Joe Vito had the same effect on musicians.

"There's several hundred 'Joe Vitos' out there in our music community. They've all got his voice down and his catchphrases," said Rich Daniels, chief of Chicago's City Lights Orchestra.

Mr. Vito, a pianist and accordionist who performed with some of the world's top singers, played classical music as expertly as jazz. And with a well-timed pun or joke, he cracked the band up while he was doing it.

He accompanied Tony Bennett, Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra, as well as opera greats Placido Domingo, Catherine Malfitano and Luciano Pavarotti. More about Joe Vito
Concerts & Competitions

22nd New Orleans International Piano Competition - There's still a few days left to watch the competition. New Orleans

Steingraeber in Concert July 23, Aug 2 & 3 - Montreal, Canada Steingraeber Concert (Steingraeber is one of the piano manufacturers we will be visiting on our European Piano Tour. Be sure to read about it in the opening article in this newsletter.)

Bang & Olufsen PianoRAMA Competition
Two Age-Categories: 11-15 (A) and 16-21 years (B). Prizes of 43.500 � in total. The 4 finalists of Category B will play with Aarhus Symphony Orchestra.
Bang & Olufson
Piano Parties!

Michigan Piano Parties Anyone?
If you're interested, read this post and respond... Michigan Piano Party

Madison WI Piano Party Anyone?
The host has 4 different acoustic pianos and one digital harpsichord! Party? I think we could hold a tour here :-) WI Piano Party

What is a Piano Forums Piano Party?
It's when members get together with other members (and their non-member spouses/friends/neighbors) to share their common bond - - the piano.
Most piano parties are held at a members home. Typically everyone brings something to the festivities (food, drink, etc.). And everyone takes turns playing the piano(s).
Pictures are a must! We love to see pictures and hear the stories.

Like to see some good examples? Check out this area on the forums... Forums Members Parties, Tours, & Cruises

And while you are checking things out, check out our Fun Stuff category. Most of the posts in here are off topic, but they're fun!
Fun Stuff

Interesting and/or Fun Stuff

Miscellaneous stuff that didn't exactly fit any other categories...
Please note, any piano manufacturers or other businesses mentioned in this section did NOT pay for the mention, I just found the stuff interesting and wanted to share.

Mason & Hamlin has their own FB page now..

(so do I if you're interested ...

A recent Schimmel Press Release Schimmel

Estonia Piano debuts at Disney Hall in CA June 27 (I know, it was last month, but we didn't put out a newsletter last month. Summer is kinda quiet). Estonia

Our own Jeffrey Biegel got a nice write up here ...
Shared Commitment/Shared Exposure: Pianist Jeffrey Biegel Initiates New Opportunities For Composers and Performers Jeffrey Biegel
Speaking of Jeffrey, he seems to have a lot of things going on lately between his solo work and his new trio. If you get a chance to catch him in concert, do it.

New USA Tax Reporting Requirements.
This one seems to be stirring up some discussions. If you are a piano teacher, dealer, tuner, etc. you may want to read this one... New Tax Requirements

OT: If You Have a Daughter...
If You Have a Daughter - Watch this Video
The lyrics to this beautiful song sung by Jessica Gall were written by our own Robin Goldsby (the Piano Girl). We will be meeting Robin during our European Piano Tour. Robin also provided the pictures used in the video, in honor of her daughter's 14th birthday.

8 Years old and already plays like this? Presenting Uri Garrett
This is an older thread, but it's still a kick to see/hear this kid play. Uri Garrett

Need a Laugh? The adventures in "Let's Talk Weddings" Continue
If you haven't visited this thread yet, do yourself a favor, check it out. If you have been following it, make sure you catch up with the latest chapters. After all, we are right smack in the middle of wedding season :-)
Let's Talk Weddings
A Division of Piano World is Piano World's online store for piano accessories, music accessories,
party goods, piano tuning equipment, piano moving equipment, and more.

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Piano Tuning Equipment
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Looking for Piano Posters and/or Art?
Take a look at these collections from the folks at Piano Posters, Pictures, & Art

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Of course you want to reach the maximum number of prospective customers for the least amount of costs.

That's where Piano World comes in!
Whether you need local, national, or international coverage, we can help.

Advertising Information page at: for information about placing an ad in our Classified's button display ads on the forums and/or run of site, or in this newsletter.
[Note: we do not sell, rent, or share our members/visitors emails]

Need Something?

If you are looking for a professional Piano Dealer, Tuner, Mover, Teacher, Restoration Shop, etc., please try our Classified Ads first.
These folks are all professionals in the business, and kindly pay us to Advertise on Piano World (which helps support PW and the forums).
About "In-Tune"
In-Tune is the newsletter for piano lovers.

You Are Receiving This Newsletter Because... at one time you visited Piano World and gave us your email, or you signed up for our newsletter, entered our contest, joined our forums, our ordered from our store,
If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, remove instructions are at the bottom (but please give it a chance first, we'd hate to see you go).

Much of the material for In-Tune comes from our world famous piano forums.

It's Fun to Play The Piano ... Pass It On!

Warm Regards,

Frank Baxter
Founder / Host
Piano World & the Piano Forums
53,000+ Forums Members, Over 1.4 Million Posts, and still growing!
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