Wednesday 25 August 2010

Piano & Music Lovers Newsletter - Aug 2010

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In-Tune, the Piano World Piano Forums Newsletter

August 2010

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Check the In-Tune Newsletter Archives to see what you've been missing and catch up on what's been happening!

Please forward this newsletter to anyone you know who might be interested in piano related articles, stories, news, etc.
They can subscribe too, it's free.
Please ... JOIN OUR Piano & Music Lovers European Tour!

Tour Some of the Finest Piano Makers in Europe with us in 2011.
Get your name on the list now. First payment isn't due until Dec. 1st, but we would like to get a head count as soon as possible. (Get your deposit in early to secure your place for the tour.)
If you are planning on joining us, please let our travel agent know.

This is your chance to see how some of the world's finest pianos are crafted. Plus it's a chance to meet other Forums Members, tour music museums, visit composers homes, and much more. And of course, it's a chance to see Europe!

Although visiting top notch piano manufacturers in Europe is our central goal, we've expanded the tour to include much more than piano shops. For Example:
  • Hamburg Steinway Tour (Hamburg, Germany)
  • Steingräber u. Söhne Tour (Bayreuth, Germany)
  • Blüthner Tour (Leipzig, Germany)
  • Bösendorfer Tour (Vienna, Austria)
  • Meet & Greet and Concert with Robin Meloy Goldsby (the Piano Girl)(Cologne, Germany)
  • Visit the Beethoven Museum in Bonn
  • PM City tour of Leipzig with Thomas Church
  • Mendelsohn Museum
  • Music Instruments Museum
  • Dinner at famous Auerbach-Keller
  • Germanisches National Museum, historic music instruments (Nuremberg, Germany)
  • Visit Wagner & Liszt Museum (Rothenburg, Germany)
  • Visit Deutsches Museum (one of worlds largest musical instrument collections)
  • Visit National Museum (possibly with behind scenes visit)
  • Visit Mozart Haus, the birthplace of Mozart
  • Castle Schonbrunn Visit
  • Musical Vienna Tour
  • We've also scheduled free time to explore on your own
The complete itinerary along with pricing and lots of details can be found on the Piano Forums here ...

Piano & Musical Tour - Europe 2011 Click Here Now!
We've Added Lots of Pictures! This is just a small sample...
Auerbach-Keller Restaurant (one of the restaurants we will be eating at)

Rheinhotel (one of the hotels we will be staying in)

Deutsches Museum (one of the museums we will be visiting)
Piano & Musical Tour - Europe 2011 Click Here Now!
New SEARCH Function
We have added a new Search box to Piano World and the Forums.
The original search built into the UBB (forums software) is still available. But, because the ubb search is not very efficient (in the way it looks up requests) it tends to run very slow. It can also slow down the forums overall. For this reason we limited the built in search to a couple of years. However, the new search (provided by Google) includes everything with no time limit.

I posted about the new search in a thread, still open for discussions and comments. New Search Function

This does not replace the original search that comes with our UBB. In fact I expect the built in search to be much improved when version 8.0 of the ubb is finally released, hopefully sometime this fall.
Concert Pianist Practicing at Home
Our own concert pianist / forums member Jeffrey Biegel posted a few videos of himself practing the piano at home.
It's fun to watch and listen to him in a relaxed setting, dressed casual and just enjoying himself.
Jeffrey Biegel Practicing at Home
Concerts & Competitions
Sept. Concerts at FortePiano (IL)
3 concerts from the PianoForte Foundation of Chicago. Sept Concerts

FREE Short Piano Recital
This is a little different, but interesting. "I'm a London(UK)-based pianist taking part in an international piano competition next week - and am urgently looking for opportunities to play through my repertoire. Playing to an audience is the best practice I can get!" Free London Piano Recital - more details

And another free concert (a full program) this time in Washington, DC...
Pianist Rami Bar-Niv
Celebrates in Concert
Chopin's 200th Birth Anniversary
Sunday, October 10, 2010 3 PM
Adas Israel Congregation
Kay Hall
2850 Quebec Street, NW Washington, DC 20009
Rami Bar-Niv Concert

60th Wideman Piano Competition
December 3-5, 2010
Shreveport, Louisiana

Finals with Shreveport Symphony
January 8, 2011
Shreveport, Louisiana
60th Wideman Piano Competition Details

New Philharmonica Garden Party
From the New Phil: " Please join us for an early fall garden party At the home of Maestro Ron Knudsen, featuring Newton’s own & New Phil’s extraordinary recent soloist - Eliot Fisk, guitar in a special intimate musical program accompanied by an exotic offering of matching wines and cheese. Sunday, September 12, 2010 3 – 5 p.m." New Phil Party

Bang & Olufsen PianoRAMA Competition
Two Age-Categories: 11-15 (A) and 16-21 years (B). Prizes of 43.500 € in total. The 4 finalists of Category B will play with Aarhus Symphony Orchestra.
Bang & Olufson
Interesting Stats
Some interesting stats about Piano World. This site ( shows a summary of traffic, pages indexed, etc., and approximates a value (not that I'd ever consider selling for their price).
New PW Stats & Comparisons

How Does XYZ Web Site Compare With... The site can show you web stats for just about any site you want.

If you were thinking of advertising on Piano World, this is a good way to compare our stats with other piano/music related sites. Simply enter the url of the site you want to check (without the www) and check the stats.
I don't think their valuations of sites is realistic, but the traffic and link numbers seem factual.
Piano Parties!
Piano Party in NY? NY Piano Party
Come on folks, I remember when NY used to have lots of piano parties, both big and small.

What is a Piano Forums Piano Party?
It's when members get together with other members (and their non-member spouses/friends/neighbors) to share their common bond - - the piano.
Most piano parties are held at a members home. Typically everyone brings something to the festivities (food, drink, etc.). And everyone takes turns playing the piano(s).
Pictures are a must! We love to see pictures and hear the stories.

Like to see some good examples? Check out this area on the forums... Forums Members Parties, Tours, & Cruises

And while you are checking things out, check out our Fun Stuff category. Most of the posts in here are off topic, but they're fun!
Fun Stuff

Interesting and/or Fun Stuff
Miscellaneous stuff that didn't exactly fit any other categories...
Please note, any piano manufacturers or other businesses mentioned in this section did NOT pay for the mention, I just found the stuff interesting and wanted to share.

OT: 10 Year Old Singer Wows Them All (Jackie Evencho)
This one stirred up some comments as usually happens when the topic is an exceptionally talented but quite young musician. Jackie Evencho - what a voice

A Cool Toy That Plays the Notes as you lay them on a table.
As mentioned by Hugh Sung on Facebook... (note: this will take you to the engadget web site). Music Playing Table

Piano & College Applications
Interesting thread about applying to colleges, and including your piano/music background. Piano & College Applications

For Jazz Players part of the description of this thread, taken from the opening post: "...this will be the Grad school thread where learning Jazzers at the Intermediate to Advanced Levels can ask questions, blog, learn, share ideas, post music, discuss more advanced Jazz concepts."
Intermediate/Advanced Jazz Thread

Your most embarrassing performance moment?
This one is fun, although some of the stories are probably only funny to the story teller thanks to the passage of time :-) Most Embarrassing Performance Moment?

Need a Laugh? The adventures in "Let's Talk Weddings" Continue...
If you haven't visited this thread yet, do yourself a favor, check it out. If you have been following it, make sure you catch up with the latest chapters.
Let's Talk Weddings

New to Piano World?
If you are new to Piano World and/or the Forums, or you haven't yet poked around the rest of our web site, take a look at our Site Map / Directory

Know of a Good Thread?
If you have been following a thread (or started one) you think we should add to this list, let me know ( ) . We may include it in the next issue of this newsletter

By the way, to find some of the threads for the above listings, I simply visited the Active Topics for Past 48 Hours link ( Active Topics - 48 Hours ). You can easily check out the Active Topics or Active Posts for the past 24 hours, 40 hours, or 7 days. You can even look at just the posts that haven't been answered.
A Division of Piano World is Piano World's online store for piano accessories, music accessories,
party goods, piano tuning equipment, piano moving equipment, and more.

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Looking for Piano Posters and/or Art?
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[Note: we do not sell, rent, or share our members/visitors emails]

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These folks are all professionals in the business, and kindly pay us to Advertise on Piano World (which helps support PW and the forums).
About "In-Tune"
In-Tune is the newsletter for piano lovers.

You Are Receiving This Newsletter Because... at one time you visited Piano World and gave us your email, or you signed up for our newsletter, entered our contest, joined our forums, our ordered from our store,
If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, remove instructions are at the bottom (but please give it a chance first, we'd hate to see you go).

Much of the material for In-Tune comes from our world famous piano forums.

It's Fun to Play The Piano ... Pass It On!

Warm Regards,

Frank Baxter
Founder / Host
Piano World & the Piano Forums
53,000+ Forums Members, Over 1.4 Million Posts, and still growing!
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