Monday 16 May 2011

About Piano: Choosing the Perfect Piano Room

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Piano Care


From Brandy Kraemer, your Guide to Piano

Choosing the Perfect Piano Room
Just like temperature and humidity levels play important roles in a keyboard instrument's health, room size, furnishings, and layout can either enhance or hinder its voice. Some types of keyboard instruments sound best in small or carpeted rooms, while... Read more
See More About:  piano care  buying a piano  piano faq

8va, 8vb & Other Octave Commands
The range of the average piano spans just over seven octaves (88 notes to be exact), so it's no wonder piano music is written on a two-part staff. But, even... Read more

New Quiz! Note-Lengths in U.S. or U.K. English
How many hemidemisemiquavers are in a minim? If you live in North America, you're probably still counting the letters in that first word. Music notes have different names depending on which... Read more

Piano Term of the Week: Calando
The Italian musical term calando is really two commands in one... Read more


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Brandy Kraemer
Piano Guide
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