Monday 26 December 2011

About Piano: Top 20 Musical Terms to Know

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From Brandy Kraemer, your Guide to Piano

Musical Articulation
Some symbols placed around notes change the way they sound, and create a relationship with surrounding notes. This concept is called "articulation," and is modified in piano music using articulation marks: ○ StaccatoArpeggioRinforzando (rfz)AccentatoLegato

Tempo & BPM
The tempo is the speed of a song, and BPM is the precise speed at which beats are repeated. Tempo is specified by words, metronome marks, or both: ○ AllegroVivaceAdagioRallentandoAccelerando

Volume & Dynamics
Musical dynamics control the volume of a song, and may be signified by words, symbols, or both. It's important to note that dynamics mark the relative changes in intensity, and do not express precise decibel levels: ○ CrescendoMezzo Forte (mf)Pianissimo (pp)DiminuendoFortepiano (fp)

Expression & Mood
Certain commands affect the ambiance of a song, and such terms are often in Italian: ○ Con AffettoMaestosoEspressivoDolceAgitato


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More Italian Musical Terms
French Musical Glossary
German Music Commands
Essential Terms for Beginners
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Brandy Kraemer
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