Monday 16 January 2012

About Piano: What You Should Know About Piano Tuning

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From Brandy Kraemer, your Guide to Piano

Is Your Piano Tuner Worth Your Money?
If tuning a piano were easy, we'd all save hundreds of dollars a year. But, alas, it's not. That's why it's important that the person we hire to get the job done can do it right... Read more

How to Go Longer Between Piano Tunings
It may not feel like it now, but spring will be here in a few months (and you know what that means: time to make an appointment with the tuner. Sometimes, you can stretch a good tuning... Read more

Problems You Avoid By Tuning
Piano tunings are not quick, nor are they always convenient. But, they are necessary if you want to keep your instrument in good condition. If you do not keep a piano for musical purposes, consider how value relies on condition, in case you ever decide to sell... Read more
See More About:  piano tuning  piano strings  piano care

Easily Inspect a Piano for Damage
Buying a used piano can be as intimidating as buying a used car; it is a big investment that could bring you years of use or a string of costly repairs... Read more
See More About:  piano damage  used pianos  piano care


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This newsletter is written by:
Brandy Kraemer
Piano Guide
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