Monday 23 April 2012

About Piano: Suspended Piano Chords

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From Brandy Kraemer, your Guide to Piano
A lot of musicians see the abbreviation sus for the first time and think "sustained." But in fact, this points to the suspended chord, which is close to a major or minor chord, with the exception of one interval.

Sus4 Chords
Suspended fourth chords are the most common, so much so that the abbreviation 'sus' -- without a number -- is sometimes used to point to this chord: ● Sus4 & ADD4 Piano Chords

Sus2 Chords
Suspended second chords are almost always abbreviated sus2, with its number: ● Sus2 & ADD2 Piano Chords
See More About:  building piano chords  chord inversion 

What Is Chord Inversion?
Even though the root note acts as the tonal foundation of a chord, it's not always the bottom note on the staff: ● Root Notes & Inversion

Easy Diminished Piano Triads
Learn simple yet effective diminished chords, with keyboard fingering & staff notation: ● Diminished Triads


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Brandy Kraemer
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