Monday 24 September 2012

About Piano: Memorize the Pattern of Accidentals

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From Brandy Kraemer, your Guide to Piano

Memorize the Pattern of Accidentals
Check out these helpful mnemonic devices you can use to remember the order of the sharps or flats in a key signature... Read more

How to Go Longer Between Piano Tunings
It may not feel like it now, but spring will be here in a few months (and you know what that means: time to make an appointment with the piano... Read more

Piano Term of the Week: Rinforzando
The Italian musical command rinforzando affects articulation (and, in a way, volume)... Read more

Illustrated Bass Chords
Many new pianists want to ignore the low octaves for as long as possible. Instead, push through to the next playing-level by mastering them! Exercise your bass staff sight-reading & build strength in your left hand by practicing with the... Read more
See More About:  bass chords  seventh chords  g major


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Brandy Kraemer
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