Monday 16 September 2013

About Piano: Avoid Piano-Related Aches & Pains

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From Brandy Kraemer, your Guide to Piano

Avoid Piano-Related Aches & Pains
Developing and maintaining proper piano posture is a must, despite the temptation to slouch casually in front of the keys. Sitting correctly at the piano can enhance your playing... Read more

Different Kinds of Broken Chords
A broken chord is a chord whose notes are not played simultaneously -- a definition that can be a bit vague considering all of the options that creates... Read more

How to Start Playing Piano
Not sure where to begin? You're in the right spot! Learn everything you need to know about playing or owning a piano... Read more

Rinforzando & Sforzando
The Italian musical commands rinforzando and sforzando affect articulation (and, in a way, volume). Learn their meanings and pronunciation... Read more


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Brandy Kraemer
Piano Guide
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