Monday 1 February 2016

Calming Your Stage Nerves

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Calming Your Stage Nerves
Brandy Kraemer
Piano Expert
Calming Your Stage Nerves

Stage fright is a challenge for musicians of all skill-levels. Beginners and professionals alike must cope with on-stage nervousness that can range from simple “butterflies” to a paralyzing fear.
For most musicians, performance anxiety never actually goes away; it’s dealt with. The more you understand the thought patterns that accompany performance anxiety, the more measures you can take to control them.

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Where is the G-Sharp Major Key Signature?

G♯ major chords exist, so why don’t we ever see a G♯ major key signature?
Simply put, because it’s too complex for practical use; and, there’s an easier way to express it.

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How to Count and Play Various Musical Triplets
triplet is a group of three notes played inside the length of two of its note-type. For example, in the time it takes to play two eighth notes of normal length (or "straight eighths"), three eighth-note triplets are heard; learn more about triplets and other tuplets.
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How to Find the Right Piano Teacher

We all have fond memories of our favorite teacher. Whether it was a music instructor or a physics professor, it was the one who was able to spark an interest and turn that tough subject into instinct. In the student-teacher relationship, some connections just work better than others, and chemistry can make or break the learning dynamic.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if every instructor could make such an impact? When it comes to a piano teacher, the decision is yours. Learn four qualities you should look for during your search.

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