Monday 19 March 2012

About Piano: Back to Basics

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Learn to Play

Piano Care


From Brandy Kraemer, your Guide to Piano

Get to Know the Keyboard Layout
Don't be intimidated by the length of your piano keyboard, it's a lot simpler than it looks. Just take a look at the keys - do you notice a repeating pattern? That's... Read more
See More About:  piano keyboard  diatonic scale  piano notes

Memorizing Notes
The more you know the following, the better you'll be able to read music:

Finding Middle C
The area around middle C will be the starting point for many piano songs, and it's also a general border between keys played with the left hand, and keys played with the right hand... Read more
See More About:  middle c  piano notes  piano keyboard

Practice Time!


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Practice Piano Scale Fingering
Musical Symbols
Playing Bass Piano Chords
Major vs. Minor
Diminished Chords Explained
Piano Recitals 101


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This newsletter is written by:
Brandy Kraemer
Piano Guide
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Must Reads
Find the Value of a Piano
Clean & Disinfect Piano Keys
Essentials of Piano Fingering
Musical Symbols of Piano Notation
Printable Piano Lesson Book
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