Monday 12 March 2012

About Piano: Recital Prep 101

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From Brandy Kraemer, your Guide to Piano

Your Piano Recital Song
Your recital song will be a reflection of who you are as a musician, as well as a showcase of your technical abilities. Learn how to choose the right one, and make the most of your practice sessions:
See More About:  piano recitals  piano songs 

Get to Know Musical Etiquette
Whether you'll be a performer or an audience member, you're expected to know how to conduct yourself during a recital. Learn about the universal rules of concert etiquette, and how to avoid faux pas:

Body Prep & Warming Up
Just like your piano, you have to keep your body in tune. Everyday habits - including what you eat and drink - can impact your performance; make sure that impact is positive with the following tips:

Dealing With Stage Fright
Preparing for a piano recital means nerves. Stage fright prevents many musicians from expressing themselves in front of a live audience, but there are ways to manage it:
See More About:  piano recitals  stage fright 


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This newsletter is written by:
Brandy Kraemer
Piano Guide
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