Monday 13 May 2013

About Piano: How to Build Piano Chords

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From Brandy Kraemer, your Guide to Piano

How to Build Piano Chords
The piano has a note layout that's easy on the eyes as well as the memory, so if you're looking to build your own chords on the keyboard, all you need is a simple understanding of chord intervals... Read more

Get to Know Solfege
Solfège, or "solfa," names each note with a short word instead of a letter (if you're from a predominantly English-speaking area, you may have heard this scale being recited by vocalists, as in "do-re-mi"). But in areas where Romance languages prevail, solfège is... Read more

Piano Term of the Week: Lustig
The German musical command lustig affects tempo and mood... Read more

Quiz! Note-Lengths in U.S. or U.K. English
How many hemidemisemiquavers are in a minim? If you live in North America, you're probably still counting the letters in that first word. Music note lengths have different names depending on which ... Read more


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Brandy Kraemer
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