Monday 27 May 2013

About Piano: Rinforzando & Sforzando

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From Brandy Kraemer, your Guide to Piano

Rinforzando & Sforzando
The Italian musical commands rinforzando (rfz) and sforzando (sfz) affect articulation (and, in a way, volume). Learn... Read more

Illustrated Sixth Chords for Piano
I've heard a lot of musicians agree with the idea that sixth chords are an acquired taste. What do you think? Read more

Piano Term of the Week: Aisement
The French musical command aisément affects tempo. Its BPM... Read more

Left Hand Chords & Scales
The left hand often plays rhythm in piano music. But, you will find yourself playing many left-handed melodies and arpeggios, particularly if you're into classical piano. Practice the... Read more


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Brandy Kraemer
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